Recommended Platforms

Many factors could steer you to one platform over another. When you talk with the social media team, they can explain the different platforms and help point you in the right direction. We normally recommend starting with either Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.


The largest social network. Great for reaching younger members and international audiences. Ideal for sharing photos from recent member events, along with updates and articles about the civil engineering profession.

ASCE Accounts to follow:


A social network that connects professionals. Ideal for hosting discussions, posting industry-related questions, and sharing articles with your fellow professionals.

ASCE Accounts to follow:


A micro-blogging site where people share 280-character tweets and photos. Twitter is ideal for short, frequent updates and real-time conversations around events like the Multi-Region Leadership Conference for the ASCE Convention.

ASCE Accounts to follow:


A photo and video sharing platform. Great for reaching students and younger members.

ASCE accounts to follow: